INT 2F - Explosiv v2.x - SET ANIMATION PARAMETER                                
	AX = C058h
	BL = animation parameter
Note:	the animation parameter has different interpretations for each display
SeeAlso: AX=C056h"v2.x"
Index:	screen saver;Explosiv

INT 2F - Explosiv v3.0+ - LOAD NEW ANIMATION DISPLAY CODE                       
	AX = C058h
	BX = file handle for file containing display code
	CX = number of bytes to load
	DX = offset at which animation code should be loaded
Return: AL = status (see #03033)
Note:	if AL=00h-03h on return, the file will be closed
Index:	screen saver;Explosiv

(Table 03033)
Values for Explosiv function status:
 00h	successful
 01h	code too large to available space
 02h	no data read, load aborted
 03h	incomplete load, default blanking display loaded instead
 58h	unexpected offset in DX