INT 50 - Vanderaart TEXT WINDOWS - EDIT LINE IN WINDOW AX = 0006h ES:BX -> text string CH = type of input (see #03242) DH,DL = row,column of upper left corner DI = window handle Return: AX = key which terminated entry 0000h Enter 0001h Esc 0002h Down arrow 0003h Up arrow 0004h F10 (Table 03242) Values for type of input to Vanderaart Text Windows: 00h everything 01h uppercase only 02h positive numbers 03h Dutch postal code ("9999 AA") 04h 'J' or 'N' (Dutch yes/no) 05h telephone or FAX number 06h positive or negative number 07h date (dd/mm/yy) 08h money 09h '1' through '8' 0Ah '1' through '4' 0Bh uppercase filenames