INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_FLICPLAY" - DISPLAY NEXT FRAME(S) IN FLI/FLC AX = 0031h ES:BX -> context descriptor (see AX=0030h) CX = number of frames to display starting at current frame DX = control flags (see #03479) Return: AX = number of frames displayed Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=0030h,AX=0033h,AX=00B8h Bitfields for FGDRIVER FLI/FLC control flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 03479) 0 skip inter-frame delay specified in FLI/FLC header 1 display relative to current graphics position 2 dipslay image from the FG_IMAGEBUF buffer instead of file