INT 6D U - Matrox Multiple Monitor Support v1.0 - GET VIDEO MODE INFORMATION    
	AX = BD61h
	BX = width in pixels (bits 13-0)
	    bit 14: ???
	    bit 15: ???
	CX = height in pixels
Return: AL = BDh if function supported
	    AH = status
		00h successful
		01h failed (resolution/flags not supported)
	    CX:BX -> video mode data structure (see #03736)
		  (first word is FFFFh if unsupported resolution)
	    EAX high word cleared
SeeAlso: AX=BD60h,AX=BD6Fh,AX=BDFFh

Format of Matrox video mode information (VCE structure):
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 03736)
 00h	WORD	width in pixels
 02h	WORD	height in pixels
 04h	WORD	???
 06h	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	dot clock frequency
 0Ah 25 BYTEs	???
SeeAlso: #03735