MEM 0040h:0074h - FIXED DISK LAST OPERATION STATUS (except ESDI(Enhanced Small Device Interface) A disk drive interface type which was briefly popular before IDE took over. An ESDI drive can transfer data between the drive and controller at 10, 15, or 20 megabits per second, which is faster than an MFM or RLL controller but slower than what is possible with an IDE or SCSI drive. See also IDE. drives) Size: BYTE SeeAlso: INT 13/AH=01h,INT 13h/AH=0Ah,MEM 0040h:0041h (Table M0022) Values for fixed disk last operation status: 00h no error 01h invalid function request 02h address mark not found 03h write protect error 04h sector not found 05h reset failed 06h diskette removed 07h drive parameter activity failed 08h DMAsee Direct Memory Access overrun 09h DMAsee Direct Memory Access data boundary error 0Ah bad sector flag detected 0Bh bad track detected 0Ch requested diskette media type not found (PS/2IBM PS/2, any model or extended BIOS(Basic Input/Output System) A set of standardized calls giving low-level access to the hardware. The BIOS is the lowest software layer above the actual hardware and serves to insulate programs (and operating systems) which use it from the details of accessing the hardware directly. only) unsupported track 0Dh invalid number of sectors for Format 0Eh control data address mark detected 0Fh DMAsee Direct Memory Access arbitration level out of range 10h uncorrectable ECC or CRC error 11h ECC corrected data error 20h general controller failed 40h seek failed 80h time out AAh drive not ready B0h volume not locked in drive (INT 13 extensions) B1h volume locked in drive (INT 13 extensions) B2h volume not removable (INT 13 extensions) B3h volume in use (INT 13 extensions) B4h lock count exceeded (INT 13 extensions) B5h valid eject request failed (INT 13 extensions) BBh undefined error CCh write fault on selected drive E0h status error/error register is zero FFh sense failed SeeAlso: #00234