MSR(Model-Specific Register) Additional, indirectly-accessible, registers containing control or status information about various aspects of the processor such as caches, performance counters, and the like.	These registers, accessible via the RDMSR and WRMSR instructions, were added with the Pentium and later-model 486 processors. 00000082h - AMD Am5k86 (AMD-K5) - ARRAY ACCESS REGISTER
Size:	64 bits
Note:	EDX remains unchanged after an RDMSR to simplify multiple accesses
SeeAlso: MSR(Model-Specific Register) Additional, indirectly-accessible, registers containing control or status information about various aspects of the processor such as caches, performance counters, and the like.	These registers, accessible via the RDMSR and WRMSR instructions, were added with the Pentium and later-model 486 processors. 00000083h

Bitfields for AMD Am5k86 (AMD-K5) Array Access Register:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table R0023)
 63-40	pointer within array specified below
 39-32	array identifier (see #R0024)
 31-0	array data
SeeAlso: #R0036

(Table R0024)
Values for AMD Am5k86 Array Pointer:
 E0h	data cache (data)
 E1h	data cache (linear tag) (see #R0025)
 E4h	code cache (instruction) (see #R0026)
 E5h	code cache (linear tag) (see #R0027)
 E6h	code cache (valid bits) (see #R0028)
 E7h	code cache (branch-prediction bits) (see #R0029)
 E8h	4K TLB (page) (see #R0030)
 E9h	4K TLB (linear tag) (see #R0031)
 EAh	4M TLB (page) (see #R0032)
 EBh	4M TLB (linear tag) (see #R0033)
 ECh	data cache (physical tag) (see #R0034)
 EDh	code cache (physical tag) (see #R0035)
SeeAlso: #R0023

Bitfields for AMD AmK586 data cache linear tag:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table R0025)
 31-26	reserved (0)
 25	cache line is dirty
 24	user/supervisor
 23	read/write
 22	0
 21	linear address valid
 20-0	tag
SeeAlso: #R0024,#R0034

Bitfields for AMD Am5k86 code cache instruction:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table R0026)
 31-26	reserved (0)
 25	start bit 1
 24	end bit 1
 23	opcode bit 1
 22-21	map (ROPs/MROM) 1
 20-13	byte 1
 12	start bit 0
 11	end bit 0
 10	opcode bit 0
 9-8	map (ROPs/MROM) 0
 7-0	byte 0
SeeAlso: #R0024,#R0027,#R0035

Bitfields for Am5k86 code cache linear tag:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table R0027)
 31-20	reserved (0)
 19-0	bits 31-12 of linear address
SeeAlso: #R0024,#R0026,#R0028,#R0035

Bitfields for Am5k86 code cache valid bits:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table R0028)
 31-18	reserved (0)
 17	linear tag is valid
 16	user/supervisor
 15-0	bitmask of valid bytes
SeeAlso: #R0024,#R0026,#R0035

Bitfields for Am5k86 code cache branch prediction bits:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table R0029)
 31-19	reserved (0)
 18	predicted branch taken
 17-14	offset of last byte of predicted branch instruction within block
 13-12	predicted target column
 11-4	predicted target index
 3-0	target byte
SeeAlso: #R0024

Bitfields for Am5k86 4K TLB page:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table R0030)
 31-22	reserved (0)
 21	page cache disable
 20	page write-through
 19-0	page frame address
SeeAlso: #R0024,#R0031,#R0032

Bitfields for Am5k86 4K TLB linear tag:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table R0031)
 31-20	reserved (0)
 19	global valid bit
 18	TLB entry is dirty
 17	user/supervisor
 16	read/write
 15	entry is valid
 14-0	tag (bits 31-17 of address)
SeeAlso: #R0024,#R0030,#R0033

Bitfields for Am5k86 4M TLB page:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table R0032)
 31-12	reserved (0)
 11	page cache disable
 10	page write-through
 9-0	page frame address
SeeAlso: #R0024,#R0030,#R0033

Bitfields for Am5k86 4M TLB linear tag:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table R0033)
 31-15	reserved (0)
 14	global valid bit
 13	TLB entry is dirty
 12	user/supervisor
 11	read/write
 10	entry is valid
 9-0	tag (bits 31-22 of address)
SeeAlso: #R0024,#R0031,#R0032

Bitfields for Am5k86 data cache physical tag:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table R0034)
 31-23	reserved (0)
 22-21	MESI status
	00 invalid
	01 shared
	10 modified
	11 exclusive
 20-0	tag (bits 31-11 of physical address)
SeeAlso: #R0024,#R0035

Bitfields for Am5k86 code cache physical tag:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table R0035)
 31-21	reserved (0)
 20	valid
 19-0	tag (bits 31-12 of physical address)
SeeAlso: #R0024,#R0034