MSR(Model-Specific Register) Additional, indirectly-accessible, registers containing control or status information about various aspects of the processor such as caches, performance counters, and the like.	These registers, accessible via the RDMSR and WRMSR instructions, were added with the Pentium and later-model 486 processors. 0000010Ah - IDTsee Interrupt Descriptor Table WinChip2 - Feature Control Register #4
Size:	6 bits
Access:	Read-Only
SeeAlso: MSR(Model-Specific Register) Additional, indirectly-accessible, registers containing control or status information about various aspects of the processor such as caches, performance counters, and the like.	These registers, accessible via the RDMSR and WRMSR instructions, were added with the Pentium and later-model 486 processors. 00000109h

Bitfields for IDTsee Interrupt Descriptor Table WinChip2 Feature Control Register #4:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table R0066)
 63..6	Reserved
 5..2	DIVIDEND (if bus speed > 100MHz)
	DIVIDEND DIVISOR  multiplier_for_100Mhz_bus
	0101	    01		x2.33
	0011	    00		x2.5
	0110	    01		x2.66
	0100	    00		x3.0
	1000	    01		x3.33
	0101	    00		x3.5
	0110	    00		x4.0
	0111	    00		x4.5
 1..0	DIVISOR Fractional bus frequency multiplier
	00 = x2	       (on bus < 100 MHz multiplier based on
	01 = x3	       FCR4[1..0] only
	10 = x4
	11 = x5