PORTIBM PC Portable (uses same BIOS as XT) 00E0-00E7 - MICROCHANNEL

00E0  RW  split address register, memory encoding registers PSIBM PS/2, any model/2m80 only
	(see #P0487)
00E1  RW  memory register (see #P0488,#P0489)
00E3  RW  error trace (bits 23-16 of address on last rising edge of ERS line)
00E4  RW  error trace (bits 15-8 of address on last rising edge of ERS line)
00E5  RW  error trace (see #P0490)
00E7  RW  error trace (see #P0491)

Bitfields for Microchannel Split Address Register:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table P0487)
 7-6	unused
 5-4	2MB memory for connector 2 on Type2 motherboard
	bit 5: second MB disabled or not present
	bit 4: first MB disabled or not present
 3-0	address at which to place leftover from split in first MB, in MB
	(1-15, 0 is invalid when split is active)
SeeAlso: #P0488,#P0489

Bitfields for Microchanel Memory Register, Type1 motherboard:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table P0488)
 7-6	1 MB memory for connector 2
	10 installed
	11 not installed
 5-4	1 MB memory for connector 1
	10 installed
	11 not installed
 3-1	split memory select
		ROM(Read-Only Memory) A memory for program storage which may not be changed by the program as it runs.   convmem	over1M
	001	ON	640K	384K
	011	ON	512K	512K
	100	shadow	640K	0K
	101	ON	640K	0K
	110	shadow	512K	0K
	111	ON	512K	0K
 0	parity checking
	=0 enable
	=1 clear parity error (write 0 to re-enable parity checking)
SeeAlso: #P0487,#P0489

Bitfields for Microchannel Memory Register, Type2 motherboard:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table P0489)
 7-6	unused
 5-4	memory connector 1
	bit 5: second MB disabled or not present
	bit 4: first MB disabled or not present
 3-1	split memory select
		ROM(Read-Only Memory) A memory for program storage which may not be changed by the program as it runs.   convmem	over1M
	000	shadow	640K	256K
	001	ON	640K	384K
	010	shadow	512K	384K
	011	ON	512K	512K
	100	shadow	640K	0K
	101	ON	640K	0K
	110	shadow	512K	0K
	111	ON	512K	0K
 0	parity checking
	=0 enable
	=1 clear parity error (write 0 to re-enable parity checking)
SeeAlso: #P0487,#P0488

Bitfields for Microchannel Error Trace register E5h:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table P0490)
 7-2	bits 7-2 of address on last rising edge of ERS line
 1	address space (0=I/O, 1=memory)
 0	=1 bus-master arbitration cycle
SeeAlso: #P0491

Bitfields for Microchannel Error Trace register E7h:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table P0491)
 7-1	unused
 0	bus cycle type
	=0 control (instruction fetch, halt, interrupt acknowledge)
	=1 data
SeeAlso: #P0490