PORTIBM PC Portable (uses same BIOS as XT) 0220-022F - Soundblaster PRO 4.0
Note: the FM(Frequency Modulation) A method of encoding data as a series of magnetic flux reversals on disk or tape, commonly known as single-density recording. In frequency modulation, a series of clock pulses are written at regular intervals, with one data bit for each clock pulse. See also MFM, RLL. music is accessible on 0388/0389 for compatibility.
0220 R- left FM(Frequency Modulation) A method of encoding data as a series of magnetic flux reversals on disk or tape, commonly known as single-density recording. In frequency modulation, a series of clock pulses are written at regular intervals, with one data bit for each clock pulse. See also MFM, RLL. status port
0220 -W left FM(Frequency Modulation) A method of encoding data as a series of magnetic flux reversals on disk or tape, commonly known as single-density recording. In frequency modulation, a series of clock pulses are written at regular intervals, with one data bit for each clock pulse. See also MFM, RLL. music register address port (index)
0221 RW left FM(Frequency Modulation) A method of encoding data as a series of magnetic flux reversals on disk or tape, commonly known as single-density recording. In frequency modulation, a series of clock pulses are written at regular intervals, with one data bit for each clock pulse. See also MFM, RLL. music data port
0222 R- right FM(Frequency Modulation) A method of encoding data as a series of magnetic flux reversals on disk or tape, commonly known as single-density recording. In frequency modulation, a series of clock pulses are written at regular intervals, with one data bit for each clock pulse. See also MFM, RLL. status port
0222 -W right FM(Frequency Modulation) A method of encoding data as a series of magnetic flux reversals on disk or tape, commonly known as single-density recording. In frequency modulation, a series of clock pulses are written at regular intervals, with one data bit for each clock pulse. See also MFM, RLL. music register address port (index)
0223 RW right FM(Frequency Modulation) A method of encoding data as a series of magnetic flux reversals on disk or tape, commonly known as single-density recording. In frequency modulation, a series of clock pulses are written at regular intervals, with one data bit for each clock pulse. See also MFM, RLL. music data port
0224 -W mixer register address port (index) (see #P0543)
0225 RW mixer data port
0226 -W DSP reset
0228 R- FM(Frequency Modulation) A method of encoding data as a series of magnetic flux reversals on disk or tape, commonly known as single-density recording. In frequency modulation, a series of clock pulses are written at regular intervals, with one data bit for each clock pulse. See also MFM, RLL. music status port
0228 -W FM(Frequency Modulation) A method of encoding data as a series of magnetic flux reversals on disk or tape, commonly known as single-density recording. In frequency modulation, a series of clock pulses are written at regular intervals, with one data bit for each clock pulse. See also MFM, RLL. music register address port (index)
0229 -W FM(Frequency Modulation) A method of encoding data as a series of magnetic flux reversals on disk or tape, commonly known as single-density recording. In frequency modulation, a series of clock pulses are written at regular intervals, with one data bit for each clock pulse. See also MFM, RLL. music data port
022A R- DSP read data (voice I/O and Midi)
022C -W DSP write data / write command
022C R- DSP write buffer status (bit 7)
022E R- DSP data available status (bit 7)
(Table P0543)
Values for SB Mixer register index:
Index Description PORTIBM PC Portable (uses same BIOS as XT) 0225h data
00h reset 00h = zero all mixer controls
04h voice select high nybble = left, low nybble = right
0Ah microphone gain bits 2-0 = gain
22h master gain high nybble = left, low nybble = right
26h MIDI(Musical Instrument Digital Interface) A standardized interface for controlling musical instruments with a computer. gain high nybble = left, low nybble = right
28h CD gain high nybble = left, low nybble = right
2Eh Line In high nybble = left, low nybble = right
30h Master Left bits 7-3 = volume
31h Master Right bits 7-3 = volume
32h Voice Left bits 7-3 = volume
33h Voice Right bits 7-3 = volume
34h MIDI(Musical Instrument Digital Interface) A standardized interface for controlling musical instruments with a computer. Left bits 7-3 = volume
35h MIDI(Musical Instrument Digital Interface) A standardized interface for controlling musical instruments with a computer. Right bits 7-3 = volume
36h CD Left bits 7-3 = volume
37h CD Right bits 7-3 = volume
38h LineIn Left bits 7-3 = volume
39h LineIn Right bits 7-3 = volume
3Ah Microphone bits 7-3 = gain
3Bh PCIBM PC speaker bits 7-3 = volume
3Ch Sound Output highest set bit is enabled source (see #P0544)
3Dh Sound Source (left) highest set bit is enabled source (see #P0544)
3Eh Sound Source (right) highest set bit is enabled source (see #P0544)
40h In gain bits 7-6 = gain
(00 = x1, 01 = x2, 10 = x4, 11 = x8)
41h Out gain (left) bits 7-6 = gain (as for In)
42h Out gain (right) bits 7-6 = gain (as for In)
43h Automatic Gain Control bit 0 = enable
44h Treble (left) bits 7-3 = volume
45h Treble (right) bits 7-3 = volume
46h Bass (left) bits 7-3 = volume
47h Bass (right) bits 7-3 = volume
Bitfields for SB Mixer sound source:
Bit(s) Description (Table P0544)
7 PCIBM PC speaker???
6 MIDI(Musical Instrument Digital Interface) A standardized interface for controlling musical instruments with a computer. left
5 MIDI(Musical Instrument Digital Interface) A standardized interface for controlling musical instruments with a computer. right
4 LineIn left
3 LineIn right
2 CD left
1 CD right
0 microphone
Note: bits 7-5 are ignored for Sound Output register
SeeAlso: #P0543