PORTIBM PC Portable (uses same BIOS as XT) 0380-038C - 2nd SDLC (Synchronous Data Link Control) adapter
Notes:	Initialization of the SDLC adapter is performed in a typical
	  sequence like this: Setup 8255 port A-C configuration by writing
	  98h to 383h, followed by initializing 8255 port C by writing 0Dh
	  to 382h. Reset 8273 internal registers by pulsing 8255 port B4.
	  After this the 8253 has to be programmed to the desired values
	  (counter 0 in mode 3). Now the 8273 is ready to be configured for
	  the operating mode that defines the communication environment in
	  which it will be used.
	Note on 8273: Each 8273 protocol controllers internal register is
	  programmed by individual set/reset commands (via 388h) in
	  conjunction with a parameter (via 389h) that give an OR/AND mask
	  to the internal register value.
	  Although the 8273 is a full duplex device, there is only one
	  command register. Thus, the command register must be used for
	  only one command sequence at a time and the transmitter and
	  receiver may never be simultaneously in a command phase.
	  The system software starts the command phase by writing a command
	  byte into the command register. If further information is required
	  by the 8273 prior to execution of the command, the system software
	  must write the list of parameters into the parameter register.
SeeAlso: PORTIBM PC Portable (uses same BIOS as XT) 03A0h"SDLC"

0380  R-   on adapter 8255(A5) port A: internal/external sensing (see #P0632)
0381  -W   on adapter 8255(A5) port B: external modem interface (see #P0633)
0382  RW   on adapter 8255(A5) port C: internal control (see #P0634)
0383  ?W   on adapter 8255(A5) mode initialization
0384  RW   on adapter 8253 (programmable counter) counter 0:
		LSB / MSB square wave generator (input for timer 2, connected
		  to 8255 bitC5)
0385  RW   on adapter 8253 counter 1: LSB / MSB inactivity time-outs
		(connected to 8255 bitA7, IRQ4 level)
0386  RW   on adapter 8253 counter 2: LSB / MSB inactivity time-outs
		(connected to 8255 bitA6, IRQ4 level)
0387  ?W   on adapter 8253 mode register (see #P0635)
0388  R-   on adapter 8273 status register (see #P0636)
0388  -W   on adapter 8273 command register (see #P0637)
0389  R-   on adapter 8273 (immediate) result register (see #P0644)
0389  -W   on adapter 8273 parameter register
	    Commands issued via PORTIBM PC Portable (uses same BIOS as XT) 0388h may need additional parameters,
	      which have to be passed through this port (see table).
038A  R-   on adapter 8273 transmit INT status (DMAsee Direct Memory Access/INT)
038A  -W   on adapter 8274 reset
038B  R-   on adapter 8273 receive INT status (DMAsee Direct Memory Access/INT)
038C  -W   on adapter 8273 data: direct program control (DPC)

Bitfields for SDLC 8255 port A:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table P0632)
 7	=1 timer 1 output active
 6	=1 timer 2 output active
 5	=1 modem status changed
 4	receive clock active (if pulsing)
 3	=0 clear to send is on from interface
 2	transmit clock active (if pulsing)
 1	=0 data carrier detect is on from interface
 0	=0 ring indicator is on from interface
SeeAlso: #P0633,#P0634

Bitfields for SDLC 8255 port B:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table P0633)
 7	enable IRQ(Interrupt ReQuest) A hardware line connected to the interrupt controller chip which signals that a CPU interrupt should be generated. 4 level interrupt
 6	=1 gate timer 1
 5	=1 gate timer 2
 4	=1 reset 8273
 3	=1 reset modem status changed logic
 2	=0 turn on test
 1	=0 turn on select standby at modem interface
 0	=0 turn on data signal rate select at modem interface
SeeAlso: #P0632,#P0634

Bitfields for SDLC 8255 port C:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table P0634)
 7 R-	=? not used (detection: =1 SDLC, =0 may be SDLC or BSC??)
 6 R-	=0 test indicate active
 5 R-	timer 0 output (if pulsing)
 4 R-	receive data (if pulsing)
 3 -W	=0 gate interrupts 3 and 4
 2 -W	=1 electronic wrap
 1 -W	=1 gate external clock
 0 -W	=1 gate internal clock
SeeAlso: #P0632,#P0633

Bitfields for SDLC 8253 mode register:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table P0635)
 7-6	SC1-SC0	 00, 01, 10= select counter 0,1,2; 11=illegal
 5-4	RL1-RL0	 00= couner latching operation
		 01= read/load most significant byte (MSB)
		 10= read/load least significant byte (LSB)
		 11= read/load LSB first, then MSB
 3-1	M2-M0	 000= mode 0
		 001= mode 1
		 x10= mode 2
		 x11= mode 3
		 100= mode 4
		 101= mode 5
 0	BCD(Binary Coded Decimal) A method of data storage where two decimal digits are stored in each byte, one in the upper four bits and the other in the lower four bits.  Since only the values 0 through 9 are used in each half of a byte, BCD values can be read as decimal numbers on a hexadecimal display of memory or a file.	 0= binary counter 16bits
		 1= BCD(Binary Coded Decimal) A method of data storage where two decimal digits are stored in each byte, one in the upper four bits and the other in the lower four bits.  Since only the values 0 through 9 are used in each half of a byte, BCD values can be read as decimal numbers on a hexadecimal display of memory or a file. counter 4 decades

Bitfields for SDLC 8273 status register:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table P0636)
 7	=1 command busy (CBSY)
 6	=1 command buffer full (CBF)
 5	=1 command parameter buffer full (CPBF)
 4	=1 command result buffer full (CRBF)
 3	=1 Rx interupt (RxINT)
 2	=1 Tx interupt (TxINT)
 1	=1 RxINT result available (RxIRA)
 0	=1 TxINT result available (TxIRA)
SeeAlso: #P0637

(Table P0637)
Values for SDCL 8273 command register:
 commands:		   parameters:	results:   result port: int:
  A4: set one-bit delay	    set mask	 -	       -	no
  64: reset one-bit delay   reset mask	 -	       -	no
  97: set data transfer	    set mask	 -	       -	no
  57: reset data transfer   reset mask	 -	       -	no
  91: set operating mode    set mask	 -	       -	no
  51: reset operating mode  reset mask	 -	       -	no
  A0: set serial I/O mode   set mask	 -	       -	no
  60: reset serial I/O mode reset mask	 -	       -	no
  C0: general receive	    B0,B1	 RIC,R0,R1,A,C RXI/R   yes
  C1: selective receive	    B0,B1,A1,A2	 RIC,RD,R1,A,C RXI/R   yes
  C5: receive disable	    -		 -	       -	no
  C8: transmit frame	    L0, L1, A, C TIC	       TXI/R   yes
  C9: transmit transparent  L0, L1	 TIC	       TXI/R   yes
  CC: abort transmit frame  -		 TIC	       TXI/R   yes
  CD: abort transmit	    -		 TIC	       TXI/R   yes
  22: read 8273 port A	    -		 port value    result	no
  23: read 8273 port B	    -		 port value    result	no
  A3: set 8273 port A bit   set mask	 -	       -	no
  63: set 8273 port B bit   reset mask	 -	       -	no
Notes:	B0/B1 LSB/MSB of the receiver buffer length
	L0/L1 LSB/MSB of the Tx buffer length
	A1/A2 receive frame address match field one/two
	A     address fieldof received frame. In non-buffered mode, this
	      result is not provided.
	C     control field of received frame. In non-buffered mode, this
	      result is not provided.
	RXI/R TXI/R receive/transmit interrupt result register
	R0/R1 LBS/MSB of the length of the frame received
	RIC/TIC receiver/transmitter interrupt result code
SeeAlso: #P0638,#P0639,#P0640,#P0641,#P0642,#P0643

Bitfields for SDLC 8273 interal port A: Modem(contraction of MOdulator/DEModulator) Control Input Port:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table P0638)
 7-5	not used
 4	DSR change (PA4)
 3	CTS change (PA3)
 2	Data Set Ready (PA2)
 1	Carrier Detect (PA1)
 0	Clear to Send (PA0)
SeeAlso: #P0637

Bitfields for SDLC 8273 interal port B: Modem(contraction of MOdulator/DEModulator) Control Output Port:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table P0639)
 7-6	not used
 5	Flag Detect (PB5)
 4-3	reserved
 2	Data Terminal Ready (PB2)
 1	reserved (PB1)
 0	Request to Send (PB0)
SeeAlso: #P0637

Bitfields for SDLC 8273 internal: Operating Mode Register:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table P0640)
 7-6	not used
 5	=1 HDLC abort enable
 4	=1 EOP interrupt enable
 3	=1 enable early Tx interrupt
 2	=1 Buffered Mode
 1	=1 Two Preframe Sync Characters
 0	=1 Flag Stream Mode
SeeAlso: #P0637

Bitfields for SDLC 8273 internal: Serial I/O Register:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table P0641)
 7-3	not used
 2	=1 Data Loopback
 1	=1 Clock Loopback
 0	=1 NRZI Mode
SeeAlso: #P0637

Bitfields for SDLC 8273 internal: Data Transfer Mode Register:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table P0642)
 7-1	not used
 0	=1 Interrupt Data Transfers
SeeAlso: #P0637

Bitfields for SDLC 8273 internal: One-Bit Delay Mode Register:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table P0643)
 7 =1	One-Bit Delay Enable
 6-0	not used
SeeAlso: #P0637

(Table P0644)
Values for SDLC 8273 result register:
 transmit result codes:		 status after interrupt:
  0C: early transmit interrupt	  transmitter active
  0D: frame transmit complete	  idle or flags
  0E: DMAsee Direct Memory Access underrun		  abort
  0F: clear to send error	  abort
  10: abort complete		  idle or flags
 receive result codes:
  X0: A1 match / general receive  active
  X1: A2 match			  active
  03: CRC error			  active
  04: abort detected		  active
  05: idle detected		  disabled
  06: EOP detected		  disabled
  07: frame less than 32 bits	  active
  08: DMAsee Direct Memory Access overrun		  disabled
  09: memory buffer overflow	  disabled
  0A: carrier detect failure	  disabled
  0B: receiver interrupt overrun  disabled
 X bits received inlast byte:
   E: all eight bits of last byte (bit7-0)
   0: bit0 only
   8: bit1-0
   4: bit2-0
   C: bit3-0
   2: bit4-0
   A: bit5-0
   6: bit6-0