PORTIBM PC Portable (uses same BIOS as XT) 9AE8-9AE9 - 8514/A and compatible - GRAPHICS PROCESSOR STATUS / COMMAND
Notes:	supported by ATI Mach8 and Mach32 chipsets
	supported by S3 chipsets when PORTIBM PC Portable (uses same BIOS as XT) 03D4h register 40h bit 0 is set
SeeAlso: PORTIBM PC Portable (uses same BIOS as XT) 9AEAh

9AE8w R-  drawing control: graphic processor status (see #P1035)
9AE8w -W  drawing control: command register (see #P1036)

Bitfields for 8514/A graphic processor status:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table P1035)
 15-10	(8514/A) reserved
 15	(S3 Trio64 only) queue status flags 9
 14-11	(S3 Trio64 only) queue status flags 10-13
 10	(S3 Trio64 only) all FIFO slots are empty
 9	hardware busy
 8	(8514/A) data ready
	(S3 Trio64) reserved
 7	queue status flag 1
 6-0	queue status flags 2-8 (0=empty, 1=filled)
	(each bit represents a position in queue)
Note:	queue status flag N is cleared whenever at least N slots are available
	  in the FIFO; at any given time, the CPU(Central Processing Unit) The microprocessor which executes programs on your computer. may write only as many values
	  to the FIFO as there are slots available
SeeAlso: #P1036

Bitfields for 8514/A command register :
Bit(s)	Description	(Table P1036)
 15-13	command (see #P1037)
 12	byte sequence (0=high byte first, 1=low byte first)
 11-10	(8514/A) reserved
 11	(S3 Trio) high bit of command (see #P1037)
 10	(S3 Trio) enable 32-bit write access
 9	enable 16-bit write access (16BIT)
 8	0=use 8514/A data, 1=pixel data trans reg (PCDATA) (see PORTIBM PC Portable (uses same BIOS as XT) E2E8h)
 7	0=draw vector above, 1=draw vector below (INC_Y)
 6	0=x is maj. axis, 1=y is maj. axis (YMAJAXIS)
 5	0=draw vector left, 1=draw vector right (INC_X)
	(bits 7-5 are the drawing direction in 45-degree increments
	  counterclockwise from the X axis when bit 3 is set)
 4	0=move only, 1=draw and move (DRAW)
 3	0=Bresenham line, 1=direct vector (LINETYPE)
 2	0=draw last pixel, 1=don't draw last pixel (LASTPIX)
 1	0=single pixel, 1=4pixel (PLANAR)
 0	0=read data, 1=write data (RD/WR) (must be 1 on S3 Trio)
SeeAlso: #P1035,#P1038

(Table P1037)
Values for 8514/A command:
 000	no operation (used to force synchronization with graphics processor,
	  or to set up short stroke vector drawing without writing any pixels)
 001	draw vector
 010	fast rectangle fill
 011	(8514/A) rectangle fill vertical #1
	(S3 Trio64) polygon fill solid
 100	(8514/A) rectangle fill vertical #2 (4 pixels)
	(S3 Trio64) 4-point trapezoid fill solid
 101	(8514/A) draw vector, 1 pixel/scanline
	(S3 Trio64) Bresenham trapezoid fill solid
 110	copy rectangle
 111	(8514/A) reserved
	(S3 Trio64) patterned BLT
---S3 Trio64---
 1001	polyline / 2-point line
 1011	polygon fill pattern
 1100	4-point trapezoid fill pattern
 1101	Bresenham trapezoid fill pattern
SeeAlso: #P1036