Interrupt List - Release 61 (16jul00)
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RBIL61 - TDA8443A
(also IIC; the "2" is superscripted) Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus -- A moderate-speed serial communications bus originally invented by Philips in the early 1980s for consumer-electronics applications, such as inter-chip communication in a television set or high-end stereo. The I2C bus has recently appeared on PCs in video capture boards and similar devices, as well as (surprisingly) SDRAM DIMMs (for the on-board serial EEPROM). The ACCESS.bus is a derivative of the I2C bus which forms the physical layer of the Universal Serial Bus. Similary, the SMBus (System Management Bus) also uses I2C as its physical layer.
E0h - TDA8443A - I2C-bus controlled
A color specification mechanism used in NTSC-type color television signals. Y represents luminance (overall brightness, the only part of the signal used by black-and-white televisions), while U and V are chrominance (color) information. Also called YIQ. See also RGB.
(Red-Green-Blue) The color specification mechanism normally used in computer displays, where colors are separated into their primary-color components. See also YUV.