RBIL61 - Availability
If the list is three or more months old by the time you get it, there
is probably a newer release out already (R56 is planned for mid-December,
R57 for early March 1998).  Each release supersedes all previous versions, so
there is no need to keep old versions.

The newest release of this list is available in these places (please do not
ask me to email it, at over two megs compressed it is much too large for that):

On the Internet, by standard anonymous FTP(File Transfer Protocol)  The standard protocol for copying files from one machine to another on a TCP/IP (Internet) network.  Also the program of the same name with which a user may transfer files. from ftp://FTP(File Transfer Protocol)  The standard protocol for copying files from one machine to another on a TCP/IP (Internet) network.  Also the program of the same name with which a user may transfer files..CS.CMU.EDU [].
	Change directly to directory
	and get the files inter??a.zip thruough inter??g.zip.  You MUST change
	directory first and in a single command because of the way CMU's
	anonymous FTP(File Transfer Protocol)  The standard protocol for copying files from one machine to another on a TCP/IP (Internet) network.  Also the program of the same name with which a user may transfer files. works.  Don't forget to set mode "binary" or "type L 8"!

If connected to AFS, you can simply perform standard Unix/VMS/whatever
	directory listing and file copies from the above directory.

On the World-Wide Web, from http://www.pobox.com/~ralf/files.html

On FIDOnet, from SoundingBoard BBS 1:129/26 1-412-621-4604 HST/V.32/V.34
	as files INTERrrA.ZIP to INTERrrG.ZIP (rr stands for the release
	number), in file area #8.  First-time callers may download.
	File Requests.

Alternate Distribution Points (the list will typically be available here
within 24 hours of release):
Internet: on the SimTel.Net mirrors as files interRRa.zip to
	interRRg.ZIP in directory /pub/msdos/info, where RR stands for the
	release number. Note that you must use a binary transfer mode
	("tenex" or "type L 8" for most people) to successfully FTP(File Transfer Protocol)  The standard protocol for copying files from one machine to another on a TCP/IP (Internet) network.  Also the program of the same name with which a user may transfer files. the files.
	The SimTel.Net mirrors include oak.oakland.edu [],
	wuarchive.wustl.edu [], ftp://ftp.uu.net [],
	nic.funet.fi [], src.doc.ic.ac.uk [], and
	archie.au [].

Additional Distribution Points:
BITnet: you may retrieve the copy on SimTel via the following automated mail
	(in the US) LISTSERV@RPITSVM (alias VMsee Virtual Machine.ITS.RPI.EDU)
	(in Europe) TRICKLE@AWIWUW11 (Austria)
		    TRICKLE@BANUFS11 (Belgium)
		    TRICKLE@DKTC11   (Denmark)
		    TRICKLE@FRMOP11  (France)
		    TRICKLE@DEARN    (Germany)
		    TRICKLE@IMIPOLI  (Italy)
		    TRICKLE@HEARN    (Netherlands)
		    TRICKLE@EB0UB011 (Spain)
		    TRICKLE@SEARN    (Sweden)
		    TRICKLE@TREARN   (Turkey)
	(elsewhere) TRICKLE@UNALCOL  (Colombia)
		    TRICKLE@TAUNIVM  (Israel)
FIDO:	boards belonging to the PDN (Programmer's Distribution Network) system
	Madrid, Spain: 2:341/70 (93:341/110), +34-1-378 01 27.	24 hours.
	  28800 V.FC/V.34.  File requests from all nodes, including unlisted
	  points (magic filename INTER for newest release).
CompuServe: in the IBMInternational Busiuness MachinesInternational Busiuness Machines) A hardware, software and other service technology company founded in 1911. Programming Forum (GO IBMPRO), Library 6, as INTrrA.*,
	INTrrB.*, INTrrC.*, INTrrD.*, INTrrE.*, INTrrF.*, and INTrrG.*.