INT 15 - newer PS/2IBM PS/2, any model; various BIOSes - GET CPU(Central Processing Unit) The microprocessor which executes programs on your computer. TYPE AND MASK REVISION
	AH = C9h
	AL = 10h (may be required on some non-PS BIOSes)
Return: CF clear if successful
	    AH = 00h
	    CH = CPU(Central Processing Unit) The microprocessor which executes programs on your computer. type (see #00528)
	    CL = mask revision (stepping level) (see #00529)
	CF set on error
	    AH = status (80h,86h = function not supported)
Notes:	the BIOS(Basic Input/Output System) A set of standardized calls giving low-level access to the hardware.  The BIOS is the lowest software layer above the actual hardware and serves to insulate programs (and operating systems) which use it from the details of accessing the hardware directly. must save DX at startup in order to be able to support this
	  call; PS/2IBM PS/2, any model Models 56, 57, 90, and 95 are known to support it
	the PS/2IBM PS/2, any model BIOS(Basic Input/Output System) A set of standardized calls giving low-level access to the hardware.  The BIOS is the lowest software layer above the actual hardware and serves to insulate programs (and operating systems) which use it from the details of accessing the hardware directly. merely reads CMOS(Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor) A type of integrated circuit design known for its low power consumption. locations 190h (type) and 191h (rev)
	IBMInternational Busiuness MachinesInternational Busiuness Machines) A hardware, software and other service technology company founded in 1911. classifies this function as optional
SeeAlso: AX=D100h,AX=DA92h,MEM 0040h:00BCh

(Table 00528)
Values for CPU(Central Processing Unit) The microprocessor which executes programs on your computer. type:
 03h	80386DX or clone
 04h	80486
 05h	Pentium
 23h	80386SX or clone
 33h	Intel i376
 43h	80386SL or clone
 A3h	IBMInternational Busiuness MachinesInternational Busiuness Machines) A hardware, software and other service technology company founded in 1911. 386SLC
 A4h	IBMInternational Busiuness MachinesInternational Busiuness Machines) A hardware, software and other service technology company founded in 1911. 486SLC

(Table 00529)
Values for stepping level:
---i376 (type code 33h)---
 05h	A0
 08h	B
---80386/80386DX (type code 03h)---
 03h	Intel B1 to B10, Am386DX/DXL step A
 05h	Intel D0
 08h	Intel D1/D2/E1, Am386DX/DXL step B
---80386SL (type code 43h)---
 05h	A
 1xh	B
---80386SX (type code 23h)---
 04h	Intel A0
 05h	Intel B, Am386SX/SXL step A1
 08h	Intel C/D1, Am386SX/SXL step B
 09h	Intel 386CX/386EX/386SXstatic step A
---80486DX (type code 04h)---
 00h	Intel A0/A1
 01h	Intel B2 to B6
 02h	Intel C0
 03h	Intel C1
 04h	Intel D0
 10h	Intel cA2/cA3, Cx486SLC step A
 11h	Intel cB0/cB1
---486DX2 (type code 04h)---
 02h	Am486DX2 (unknown stepping)
 32h	Intel DX2/Overdrive steps A0 to A2
 33h	Intel DX2/Overdrive step B1
---486SX (type code 04h)---
 20h	Intel A0
 22h	Intel B0
 27h	Intel cA0
 28h	Intel cB0
---486SL (type code 04h)---
 40h	Intel A
---IntelSX2 (type code 04h)---
 5xh	Intel A
---IntelDX4 (type code 04h)---
 8xh	Intel A
---487SX (type code 04h)---
 20h	Intel A0
 21h	Intel B0
---Pentium (type code 05h)---
 0xh	Intel P5 steps Ax (1993)
 1xh	Intel P5 steps Bx (1994)
 2xh	Intel P54C step A
---RapidCAD (type code 03h)---
 40h	A