INT 1A - PCMCIA Socket Services v2.1 - GET ACCESS OFFSETS                       
	AH = A1h
	AL = adapter number
	BH = Mode
	     00h = Real ModeOne of the operating modes of the 80286 and higher Intel processors, and the only operating mode of the 8088, 8086, 80186, and 80188 processors.  In this mode, all addresses used by programs correspond directly to real physical addresses (thus the full name, Real Address Mode) and there are no CPU-imposed protections between programs.  See also Protected Mode, Virtual-86 Mode.
	     01h = 16:16 Protected ModeOne of the operating modes of the 80286 and higher Intel processors, in which addresses used by programs no longer correspond to physical addresses and the CPU enforces various protection mechanisms designed to prevent one program from disrupting other programs or the operating system.  See also Real Mode, Virtual-86 Mode.
	     02h = 16:32 Protected ModeOne of the operating modes of the 80286 and higher Intel processors, in which addresses used by programs no longer correspond to physical addresses and the CPU enforces various protection mechanisms designed to prevent one program from disrupting other programs or the operating system.  See also Real Mode, Virtual-86 Mode.
	     03h = 00:32 Protected ModeOne of the operating modes of the 80286 and higher Intel processors, in which addresses used by programs no longer correspond to physical addresses and the CPU enforces various protection mechanisms designed to prevent one program from disrupting other programs or the operating system.  See also Real Mode, Virtual-86 Mode.
	CX = Number of access offsets
	ES:EDI -> buffer supplied by caller, CX words long (see #00696)
Return: CF clear if successful
	    AH destroyed
	    DX = number of access offsets supported
	    ES:EDI unchanged
	CF set on error
	    AH = error code (01h,15h,16h) (see #00656)
Desc:	Returns an array of low-level adapter-specific optimized
	PCIBM PC Card access routines for adapters that use registers
	or I/O ports to access PCIBM PC Card memory.	Adapters that access
	PCIBM PC Card memory through windows mapped to host system memory
	do not support this function.
Note:	offsets returned are 16-bit offsets into the
	Socket Services code segment.  They must be called
	appropriately for the processor mode selected.
	(Real, 16:16 and 16:32 modes use FAR CALL,
	Flat 00:32 mode uses a 32-bit NEAR CALL).
SeeAlso: AH=AEh

Format of Offset Table structure:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 00696)
 00h	WORD	Set Address
 02h	WORD	Set Auto Increment
 04h	WORD	Read Byte
 06h	WORD	Read Word
 08h	WORD	Read Byte with Auto Increment
 0Ah	WORD	Read Word with Auto Increment
 0Ch	WORD	Read Words
 0Eh	WORD	Read Words with Auto Increment
 10h	WORD	Write Byte
 12h	WORD	Write Word
 14h	WORD	Write Byte with Auto Increment
 16h	WORD	Write Word with Auto Increment
 18h	WORD	Write Words
 1Ah	WORD	Write Words with Auto Increment
 1Ch	WORD	Compare Byte
 1Eh	WORD	Compare Byte with Auto Increment
 20h	WORD	Compare Words
 22h	WORD	Compare Words with Auto Increment