AX = 6F07h
	BL = translation to set (see #00601)
Return: AH = 00h (successful)
Notes:	supported by the original HP Vectra ATIBM PC AT and ES/QS/RS series HP Vectras
	this function may no longer work properly if the application has
	  modified the key mappings with AX=6F06h
SeeAlso: AX=6F06h,AX=6F09h

(Table 00601)
Values for HP Vectra keyboard translation specifier:
 00h	map V_CCP to V_CCPCUR, forcing the cursor pad to return cursor keys
 01h	map V_CCP to V_CCPNUM, forcing the cursor pad to always return numbers
 02h	map V_CCP to V_OFF, disabling the cursor pad
 03h	map V_CCP to V_CCPGID, converting cursor pad keys to GID data
 04h	map V_CCP to V_RAW, passing cursor pad data untranslated to INT 09
 05h	map V_SOFTKEY to V_SKEY2KFEY, translating into standard function keys
 06h	map V_SOFTKEY to V_RAW, passing Softkey scancodes direct to INT 09
 07h	map V_SOFTKEY to V_OFF, disabling HP Softkeys
SeeAlso: #00602

(Table 00602)
Values for HP Vectra scancodes and BIOS(Basic Input/Output System) A set of standardized calls giving low-level access to the hardware.  The BIOS is the lowest software layer above the actual hardware and serves to insulate programs (and operating systems) which use it from the details of accessing the hardware directly. keycodes for V_RAW translator:
	      INT 09		 INT 16 keycode
    Key	     scan code	Default	 Shifted   Ctrl	     Alt
 * (NumPd)	37h	2Ah	 (Prt Sc)  00/72h    00/37H
 Sysreq		54h	  --	 --	   --	     --
 CCP-Up		60h	00/D9h	 00/BFh	   00/A5h    00/8BH
 CCP-Left	61h	00/DAh	 00/C0h	   00/A6h    00/8CH
 CCP-Down	62h	00/DBh	 00/C1h	   00/A7h    00/8DH
 CCP-Right	63h	00/DCh	 00/C2h	   00/A8h    00/8EH
 CCP-Home	64h	00/DDh	 00/C3h	   00/A9h    00/8FH
 CCP-PgUp	65h	00/DEh	 00/C4h	   00/AAh    00/90H
 CCP-End	66h	00/DFh	 00/C5h	   00/ABh    00/91H
 CCP-PgDn	67h	00/E0h	 00/C6h	   00/ACh    00/92H
 CCP-Ins	68h	00/E1h	 00/C7h	   00/ADh    00/93H
 CCP-Del	69h	00/E2h	 00/C8h	   00/AEh    00/94H
 CCP-CNTR	6Ah	00/E3h	 00/C9h	   00/AFh    00/95H
 f1		70h	00/E9h	 00/CFh	   00/B5h    00/9BH
 f2		71h	00/EAh	 00/D0h	   00/B6h    00/9CH
 f3		72h	00/EBh	 00/D1h	   00/B7h    00/9DH
 f4		73h	00/ECh	 00/D2h	   00/B8h    00/9EH
 f5		74h	00/EDh	 00/D3h	   00/B9h    00/9FH
 f6		75h	00/EEh	 00/D4h	   00/BAh    00/A0H
 f7		76h	00/EFh	 00/D5h	   00/BBh    00/A1H
 f8		77h	00/F0h	 00/D6h	   00/BCh    00/A2H
Note:	only HP-specific codes are listed in this table; see INT 09 for a full
	  list of standard scan codes
SeeAlso: #00006,#00601