AX = 6F08h
Return: AH = status
	   00h successful
	   02h unsupported (non-HIL, i.e. standard, keyboard)
	BH = HP-HIL address (HP Vectra ATIBM PC AT only???)
	BL = HP-HIL ID (HP Vectra ATIBM PC AT only???)
	BL = keyboard language (ES/QS/RS only???) (see #00603)
Notes:	supported by the original HP Vectra ATIBM PC AT and ES/QS/RS series HP Vectras
	the driver's address in the HP_VECTOR_TABLE (see INT 6F/AH=00h) may
	  be computed as (BH-1)*6 + N, where N is the address of the first
	  HP-HIL device driver (see INT 6F/AH=0Ah"F_INQUIRE_FIRST")
SeeAlso: AX=6F05h,AX=6F09h,INT 6F/AH=0Ah"F_INQUIRE_FIRST"

(Table 00603)
Values for HP HIL keyboard language code:
 00h	reserved
 01h	Arabic-French
 02h	Kanji
 03h	Swiss-French
 04h	Portugese
 05h	Arabic
 06h	Hebrew
 07h	Canadian-English
 08h	Turkish
 09h	Greek
 0Ah	Thai
 0Bh	Italian
 0Ch	Hangul (Korean)
 0Dh	Dutch
 0Eh	Swedish
 0Fh	German
 10h	Chinese (PRC)
 11h	Chinese (Taiwan)
 12h	Swiss (French ii)
 13h	Spanish
 14h	Swiss (German ii)
 15h	Belgian (Flemish)
 16h	Finnish
 17h	United Kingdom
 18h	French-Canadian
 19h	French-German
 1Ah	Norwegian
 1Bh	French
 1Ch	Danish
 1Dh	Katakana
 1Eh	Latin American Spanish
 1Fh	United States-American
 20h-FEh reserved
 FFh	non-HP keyboard (IBMInternational Busiuness MachinesInternational Busiuness Machines) A hardware, software and other service technology company founded in 1911. ATIBM PC AT keyboard and IBMInternational Busiuness MachinesInternational Busiuness Machines) A hardware, software and other service technology company founded in 1911. Enhanced keyboard)