INT 2F PU - Borland C++ 2.0 DPMILOAD.EXE - ALLOCATE MEMORY                      
	AX = FB42h
	BX = 0002h
	CX = size in bytes
	DX = bit flags
	    bit 2: set to allocate DOS memory, clear for DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface memory
	SI = selector of descriptor to be modified to access allocated memory
	DI = selector of a second descriptor to be modified
Return: AX = ??? or 0000h on error
	CX:DX = linear base address of DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface memory block
	SI:DI = handle for DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface memory block or FFFFh:FFFFh
Note:	two segment descriptors may be set if a code and an aliased data
	  segment are required; if only one descriptor is needed, SI should
	  equal DI on entry
BUG:	when allocating DOS memory, the code computes the linear address by
	  multiplying the segment number by 4 rather than shifting by 4
SeeAlso: AX=FB42h/BX=0003h,AX=FB42h/BX=0008h,INT 31/AX=0501h

INT 2F PU - Borland C++ 3.0 DPMILOAD.EXE - ALLOCATE MEMORY                      
	AX = FB42h
	BX = 0002h
	ES:SI -> memory block info (see #03127)
Return: ???
Note:	The version of DPMILOAD distributed with BC++ v2.0 identifies itself
	  as version 1.000, while the version distributed with BC++ 3.0
	  identifies itself as version 1.0; the former is 10864 bytes, the
	  latter 22180 bytes.
SeeAlso: AX=FB42h/BX=0003h,AX=FB42h/BX=0008h,INT 31/AX=0501h

Format of DPMILOAD memory block info:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 03127)
 00h	WORD	flags (see #03128)
 02h	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	block size in bytes
---DPMI memory block---
 06h	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface memory block handle
---DOS memory block---
 06h	WORD	real-mode segment of memory block
 08h	WORD	selector of memory block
 0Ah	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	linear address of memory
 0Eh	WORD	memory operation error code
		0008h no more free LDT descriptors
---if flags bit 0 clear---
 10h	WORD	code segment selector for memory block or 0000h or FFFFh
 12h	WORD	data alias selector for memory block or 0000h or FFFFh
---if flags bit 0 set---
 10h	WORD	data segment selector for memory block or 0000h or FFFFh
 12h	WORD	unused???

Bitfields for DPMILOAD memory block flags:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table 03128)
 0	set if data segment rather than code segment
 1	information valid
 2	set if DOS memory block rather than DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface memory block
 4	???
 15	set if no LDT selectors for memory block???
SeeAlso: #03127