INT 14 - TelAPI - "telstatus" - GET TELNET CONNECTION STATUS INFORMATION AH = EAh BX = connection ID (see AH=E0h"TelAPI") ES:SI -> buffer for status info (see #00401) Return: AX = status (0000h,FFFFh,etc.) SeeAlso: AH=E9h,AH=EBh,AX=FF00h Format of TelAPI Telnet connection status information: Offset Size Description (Table 00401) 00h 4 BYTEs remote host IP(Internet Protocol) The lower level (transport layer) of the TCP/IP protocol suite. See also TCP, TCP/IP. address 04h 20 BYTEs reserved 18h WORD local port number 1Ah BYTE connection mode (00h = ASCII, 01h = Binary) 1Bh BYTE echo flag (00h local, 01h remote) 1Ch BYTE SGA flag (00h will, 01h won't) 1Dh BYTE EOR negotation flag (00h do negotiate, 01h don't) 1Eh BYTE buffering (00h line mode, 01h character mode) 1Fh BYTE reserved 20h BYTE verbose flag (00h no, 01h verbose mode) 21h BYTE received EOL (00h no xlat, 01h CR, 02h LF, 03h CRLF) 22h BYTE sent EOL (00h no translation, 01h CR, 02h LF) 23h BYTE break character 24h BYTE IP(Internet Protocol) The lower level (transport layer) of the TCP/IP protocol suite. See also TCP, TCP/IP. escape character 25h BYTE AO escape character 26h BYTE AYT escape character 27h BYTE EC escape character 28h BYTE EL escape character 29h 41 BYTEs ASCIZA NUL-terminated ASCII string. The ASCIZ string "ABC" consists of the four bytes 41h, 42h, 43h, and 00h. Unless otherwise specified, maximum lengths given in the interrupt list do not include the terminating NUL. Telnet-negotiated terminal type 52h 9 BYTEs session ID SeeAlso: #00402