INT 21 - 10NET v5.0 - INITIATE PRINT JOB                                        
	AX = 5E04h
	BX = zero-based redirection list index (see AX=5F02h)
	DS:DX -> extended workstation printer setup structure (see #01698)
Return: CF clear if successful
	CF set on error
	    AX = error code (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h)
SeeAlso: AX=5E05h"10NET",AX=5E06h"10NET"

Format of 10NET extended workstation printer setup structure:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 01698)
 00h	BYTE	notification flags (see #01699)
 01h	BYTE	job control mask (see #01700)
 02h	WORD	days to retain file
 04h	WORD	test print length
 06h	BYTE	number of copies to print
 07h	BYTE	compression algorithm
 08h	BYTE	tab width (00h = don't expand)
 09h	BYTE	initiation type (00h normal, 01h non-spooled)
 0Ah 38 BYTEs	job start operation notification instructions
 30h 32 BYTEs	comment for job
 50h 64 BYTEs	output filename or non-spooled file

Bitfields for 10NET notification flags:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table 01699)
 0	user at print start
 1	operator at start, with reply
 2	user at print completion
 3	operator at completion, with reply
 4	user on queue switch
 5	operator on queue switch, with reply
 6	user on print error

Bitfields for 10NET job control mask:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table 01700)
 0	print banner page
 1	eject page at end of job
 2	mark as "held" (queue but don't print)
 3	rush job (queue at top)
 4	overwrite file with zeros before deletion
 5	hyperspool if possible