AX = F25Ah subfn 84h
	CX = length of request buffer in bytes
	DX = length of reply buffer in bytes
	DS:SI -> request buffer (see #02459)
	ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02460)
Return: AX = status (see #02860 at INT 2F/AX=7A20h/BX=0000h)
SeeAlso: AH=F2h"Novell",AX=F25Ah/SF=82h,AX=F25Ah/SF=83h,AX=F25Ah/SF=86h

Format of NetWare "Data Migration Support Module Information" request packet:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 02459)
 00h	WORD	length of following data
 02h	BYTE	84h (subfunction "Data Migration Support Module Information")
 03h	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	information level
		0000h get data migration NLM info
		0001h get loaded support modules
		0002h get name of support module
 07h	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	support module ID
SeeAlso: #02460

Format of NetWare "Data Migration Support Module Information" request packet:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 02460)
---information level 0---
 00h	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	read/write access status
 04h	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	length of Specific Device Information block (max 384)
 08h	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	space available on support module
 0Ch	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	amount of space used
 10h	BYTE	length of support module's name
 11h 14 BYTEs	support module name
 1Fh 128 BYTEs	support module information
---information level 1---
 00h	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	number of support modules
 04h 32 BYTEs	support module IDs
---information level 2---
 00h	BYTE	length of module name
 01h 32 BYTEs	support module name
SeeAlso: #02459