INT 61 - Banyan VINES - GET SERVER SERIAL NUMBER                                
	AX = 0004h subfn 0008h
	DS:DX -> request block (see #03412)
Return: AX = status (0000h,000Fh,0015h) (see #03400)
Notes:	The server ID is extracted from the IPC(Inter-Process Communication) Any one of numerous methods for allowing two or more separate processes to exchange data. port address of the associated
	  file service stored in the drive connection table
	The server serial number and the server subnet number are returned in
	  big-endian (Motorola) format (i.e. MSB first)
SeeAlso: AX=0004h/SF=0005h

Format of VINES request block for getting server serial number:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 03412)
 00h	WORD	0008h
 02h	WORD	drive number (0=default, 1=A, ...)
 04h	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	buffer for server serial number
 08h	WORD	buffer for server subnet number (always 0001h)