INT 6F - 10NET - "WHO" - ENUMERATE USERS ON NETWORK AH = 0Dh AL = type code 01h return superstations only 02h return non-superstations only otherwise return all CX = length of data buffer DS:DX -> array of records to be filled (see #03768) Return: CL = number of records returned (responding stations) SeeAlso: AH=16h,AH=8Dh Format of station record: Offset Size Description (Table 03768) 00h 12 BYTEs node ID 0Ch BYTE station flags (see #03769) ---if AL = 01h--- 0Dh BYTE version number 0Eh WORD level number of 10Net software in responding node ---if AL = 02h--- 0Dh 8 BYTEs user ID 15h BYTE version number 16h WORD level number Bitfields for station flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 03769) 1 workstation 2 superstation 3 xgate 4 active gate