INT 6F - 10NET - SPOOL(Simultaneous Peripheral Operation OnLine)  The process of performing output to a slow peripheral such as a printer while other tasks continue running on the CPU.  This term dates back to mainframe days before the invention of timesharing./PRINT
	AH = 0Eh
	DS:DX -> spool/print record (see #03771)
Return: CF clear if successful
	CF set on error
	    AX = error code (see also #03740)
		17FFh device not mounted
		18FFh already spooling to named device

(Table 03770)
Values for 10NET spooler operation code:
 0000h	initiate spool
 0001h	abort print
 0002h	close spool
 0003h	delete spool
 0004h	print
 0005h	get report info
 0006h	set chat template
 0007h	queue
 0008h	return queue
 0009h	queue non-spooled file for printing

Format of 10NET Spool/Print record:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 03771)
 00h	WORD	operation code (see #03770)
 02h 11 BYTEs	file name in FCBsee File Control Block format
---if operation code = 00h or 06h---
 0Dh	BYTE	notification flags (see #03772)
 0Eh	BYTE	days to keep (FFh=forever)
 0Fh	BYTE	bits 0,1: device (1=LPT1)
		bits 4-7: remote drive to store spool file (1=A,...)
 10h	WORD	length of following data area
 12h  N BYTEs	up to 64 bytes of description
---if operation code = 03h---
 0Dh  8 BYTEs	user ID to associate with filename
---if operation code = 04h---
 0Dh	WORD	block number
 0Fh  8 BYTEs	user ID to associate with filename
---if operation code = 05h---
 0Dh	BYTE	RRN to start retrieve
 0Eh	BYTE	bits 0,1: local print device (LPTx)
		bit 3: if set, return entries for all users
 0Fh	WORD	length of following area
 11h  N BYTEs	up to 1500 bytes to receive $SCNTL records returned
---if operation code = 07h---
 0Dh	BYTE	queue number
 0Eh	BYTE	bits 0,1: local print device (LPTx)
 0Fh	WORD	number of bytes of test print to be done
 11h	BYTE	code:
		01h print device
		02h test print count
		03h prn
---if operation code = 08h---
 0Dh	BYTE	queue location or $SCNTL location to start access
		returns next item for access:
		    00h-7Fh queued items
		    80h-FEh non-queued, non-printed items
		    FFh	no more items
 0Eh	WORD	unused
 10h	WORD	length of following area
 12h  N BYTEs	up to 64 bytes to receive $SCNTL records (see #03773)
---if operation code = 09h---
 0Dh  3 BYTEs	unused
 10h  N BYTEs	path to non-spooled file to be queued for printing

Bitfields for notification flags:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table 03772)
 7	queue to top
 6	do ID page
 5	no form feed
 4	reserved
 3	explicit queuing only
 2	notify at print completion
 1	notify server operator, with reply
 0	notify at print start

Format of 10NET $SCNTL record:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 03773)
 00h  8 BYTEs	user ID
 08h 11 BYTEs	filename in FCBsee File Control Block format
 13h  6 BYTEs	node ID
 19h  3 BYTEs	creation date
 1Ch	BYTE	notification flags (see #03772)
 1Dh	BYTE	retention time in days
 1Eh	BYTE	printing device (LPTx)
 1Fh  3 BYTEs	date last printed (0 = never)
 22h	BYTE	device containing spoolfile
 23h	WORD	bytes to print for test print
 25h	WORD	block number to start print
 27h	BYTE	reserved