INT 15 - Advanced Power Management v1.0+ - GET POWER MANAGEMENT EVENT           
	AX = 530Bh
Return: CF clear if successful
	    BX = event code (see #00479)
	    CX = event information (APM v1.2) if BX=0003h or BX=0004h
		bit 0: PCMCIA socket was powered down in suspend state
	CF set on error
	    AH = error code (03h,0Bh,80h) (see #00473)
Notes:	although power management events are often asynchronous, notification
	  will not be made until polled via this call to permit software to
	  only receive event notification when it is prepared to process
	  power management events; since these events are not very time-
	  critical, it should be sufficient to poll once or twice per second
	the critical resume notification is made after the system resumes
	  from an emergency suspension; normally, the system BIOS(Basic Input/Output System) A set of standardized calls giving low-level access to the hardware.  The BIOS is the lowest software layer above the actual hardware and serves to insulate programs (and operating systems) which use it from the details of accessing the hardware directly. only notifies
	  its partner that it wishes to suspend and relies on the partner to
	  actually request the suspension, but no notification is made on an
	  emergency suspension
	should not be called from within a hardware interrupt handler to avoid
	  reentrance problems
SeeAlso: AX=5307h,AX=5307h/CX=0001h"STAND-BY",AX=5307h/CX=0002h"SUSPEND"

(Table 00479)
Values for APM event code:
 0001h	system stand-by request
 0002h	system suspend request
 0003h	normal resume system notification
 0004h	critical resume system notification
 0005h	battery low notification
---APM v1.1---
 0006h	power status change notification
 0007h	update time notification
 0008h	critical system suspend notification
 0009h	user system standby request notification
 000Ah	user system suspend request notification
 000Bh	system standby resume notification
---APM v1.2---
 000Ch	capabilities change notification (see AX=5310h)
 000Dh-00FFh reserved system events
 01xxh	reserved device events
 02xxh	OEM-defined APM events
 0300h-FFFFh reserved