INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_GETRGB" - GET VIDEO DAC(Digital-to-Analog Converter) A hardware device (in its simplest form, nothing more than a set of interconnected resistors) which converts a digital number into an analog signal whose voltage is proportional to the value of the digital number.  VGAVideo Graphics Array and later color video boards use DACs to convert color values into the analog signals sent to the display; sound boards normally use DACs as well. REGISTER CONTENTS
	AX = 004Eh
	ES:BX -> variable pointer record (see #03486)
	CX = DAC(Digital-to-Analog Converter) A hardware device (in its simplest form, nothing more than a set of interconnected resistors) which converts a digital number into an analog signal whose voltage is proportional to the value of the digital number.  VGAVideo Graphics Array and later color video boards use DACs to convert color values into the analog signals sent to the display; sound boards normally use DACs as well. register number
Return: variables updated
Notes:	the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but
	  their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h)
	This call is ignored in text modes and CGAColor Graphics Adapter(Color/Graphics Adapter) One of the two video display boards introduced together with the original IBMInternational Busiuness Machines PCIBM PC.  See also HGC, MDA./EGAEnhanced Graphics Adapter(Enhanced Graphics Adapter) IBMInternational Busiuness Machines's second color video board for the IBMInternational Busiuness Machines PCIBM PC family, capable of a maximum resolution of 640x350 pixels in 16 simultaneous colors of a total of 64 possible colors. video modes (since
	  they do not use DAC(Digital-to-Analog Converter) A hardware device (in its simplest form, nothing more than a set of interconnected resistors) which converts a digital number into an analog signal whose voltage is proportional to the value of the digital number.  VGAVideo Graphics Array and later color video boards use DACs to convert color values into the analog signals sent to the display; sound boards normally use DACs as well. registers)
SeeAlso: AX=0041h,AX=0086h,AX=00ABh

Format of FGDRIVER GETRGB variable pointer record:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 03486)
 00h	WORD	segment of WORD buffer for red component of DAC(Digital-to-Analog Converter) A hardware device (in its simplest form, nothing more than a set of interconnected resistors) which converts a digital number into an analog signal whose voltage is proportional to the value of the digital number.  VGAVideo Graphics Array and later color video boards use DACs to convert color values into the analog signals sent to the display; sound boards normally use DACs as well. register
 02h	WORD	offset of WORD buffer for red component
 04h	WORD	segment of WORD buffer for green component of DAC(Digital-to-Analog Converter) A hardware device (in its simplest form, nothing more than a set of interconnected resistors) which converts a digital number into an analog signal whose voltage is proportional to the value of the digital number.  VGAVideo Graphics Array and later color video boards use DACs to convert color values into the analog signals sent to the display; sound boards normally use DACs as well. register
 06h	WORD	offset of WORD buffer for green component
 08h	WORD	segment of WORD buffer for blue component of DAC(Digital-to-Analog Converter) A hardware device (in its simplest form, nothing more than a set of interconnected resistors) which converts a digital number into an analog signal whose voltage is proportional to the value of the digital number.  VGAVideo Graphics Array and later color video boards use DACs to convert color values into the analog signals sent to the display; sound boards normally use DACs as well. register
 0Ah	WORD	offset of WORD buffer for blue component