PORTIBM PC Portable (uses same BIOS as XT) 0360-036F - PCIBM PC network (ATIBM PC AT)

PORTIBM PC Portable (uses same BIOS as XT) 0360-036F - National Semiconductor DP8390(1)C/NS3249C network chipset
Note:	cards based on this IEEE 802.3 networking chipset can use any range
	  of 16 consecutive addresses, and provide a total of four pages of
	  sixteen registers (see #P0627,#P0628,#P0629,#P0759)

(Table P0627)
Values for NS DP8390C/NS3249C network chipset Page 0 registers:
Number	Read Register				Write Register
 00h	Command reg. (see #P0631)	CR	Command reg.		CR
 01h	current local DMAsee Direct Memory Access address 0	CLDA0	page start reg.		PSTART
 02h	current local DMAsee Direct Memory Access address 1	CLDA1	page stop reg.		PSTOP
 03h	boundary pointer		BNRY	boundary pointer	BNRY
 04h	transmit status reg.		TSR(Terminate and Stay Resident) A program which remains in memory after terminating in order to provide services to other programs or the user.  The name comes from the name of the DOS function call used to remain in memory after termination.	Tx page start address	TPSR
 05h	number of collisions reg.	NCR	Tx byte count reg.0	TBCR0
 06h	FIFO					Tx byte count reg.1	TBCR1
 07h	interrupt status reg.		ISR	interrupt status reg.	ISR
 08h	current remote DMAsee Direct Memory Access address 0	CRDA0	remote start addr.reg.0 RSAR0
 09h	current remote DMAsee Direct Memory Access address 1	CRDA1	remote start addr.reg.1 RSAR1
 0Ah	reserved				remote byte count reg.0 RBCR0
 0Bh	reserved				remote byte count reg.1 RBCR1
 0Ch	receive status reg.		RSR	Rx configuration reg.	RCR
 0Dh	tally counter 0 (frame errors)	CNTR0	Tx configuration reg.	TCR
 0Eh	tally counter 1 (CRC errors)	CNTR1	data configuration reg. DCR
 0Fh	tally counter 2 (missed pkt)	CNTR2	interrupt mask reg.	IMR
SeeAlso: #P0628,#P0629,#P0630

(Table P0628)
Values for NS DP8390C/NS3249C network chipset Page 1 registers:
Number	Read/Write
 00h	Command			CR (see #P0631)
 01h	physical address reg.0	PAR0
 02h	physical address reg.1	PAR1
 03h	physical address reg.2	PAR2
 04h	physical address reg.3	PAR3
 05h	physical address reg.4	PAR4
 06h	physical address reg.5	PAR5
 07h	current page reg.	CURR
 08h	multicast address reg.0 MAR0
 09h	multicast address reg.1 MAR1
 0Ah	multicast address reg.2 MAR2
 0Bh	multicast address reg.3 MAR3
 0Ch	multicast address reg.4 MAR4
 0Dh	multicast address reg.5 MAR5
 0Eh	multicast address reg.6 MAR6
 0Fh	multicast address reg.7 MAR7
SeeAlso: #P0627,#P0629,#P0630

(Table P0629)
Values for NS DP8390C/NS3249C network chipset Page 2 registers:
Number	Read Register				Write Register
 00h	Command				CR	Command			 CR
 01h	page start reg.			PSTART	current local DMAsee Direct Memory Access addr.0 CLDA0
 02h	page stop reg.			BPSTOP	current local DMAsee Direct Memory Access addr.1 CLDA1
 03h	remote next packet pointer		remote next packet pointer
 04h	Tx page start address		TPSR	reserved
 05h	local next packet pointer		local next packet pointer
 06h	address counter (upper)			address counter (upper)
 07h	address counter (lower)			address counter (lower)
 08h	reserved				reserved
 09h	reserved				reserved
 0Ah	reserved				reserved
 0Bh	reserved				reserved
 0Ch	Rx configuration reg.		RCR	reserved
 0Dh	Tx configuration reg.		TCR	reserved
 0Eh	data configuration reg.		DCR	reserved
 0Fh	interrupt mask reg.		IMR	reserved
Note:	this is a diagnostics page, and should never be modfied under normal
SeeAlso: #P0627,#P0628,#P0630

(Table P0630)
Values for NS DP8390C/NS3249C network chipset Page 3 registers:
Number	Read Register				Write Register
 00h	Command CR (see #P0631)			Command CR
Note:	Test Page - should never be modified!
SeeAlso: #P0627,#P0628,#P0629

Bitfields for NS DP8390C/NS3249C network chipset command register (00h):
Bit(s)	Description	(Table P0631)
 0	software reset command (1=offline, 0=online)
 1	do not activate NIC after reset command
 2	start transmision of a packet
 3-5	remote DMAsee Direct Memory Access command
	000 not allowed
	001 remote read
	010 remote write
	011 send packet
	1xx abort/complete rmote DMAsee Direct Memory Access
 6-7	page select
	00 register page 0
	01 register page 1
	10 register page 2
	11 register page 3
SeeAlso: #P0630