PORTIBM PC Portable (uses same BIOS as XT) 83D0-9FD3 - Chips&Techs 64310 - 32-BIT EXTENSION REGS - BitBLT
Notes:	All ports are word or dword accessible.
	These registers are also accessible in the upper 2 MB of the 4 MB
	  linear memory frame buffer (address specified in PCI configuration
SeeAlso: PORTIBM PC Portable (uses same BIOS as XT) 03D6h"Chips",PORTIBM PC Portable (uses same BIOS as XT) A3D0h"Chips"

83D0d RW  "DR00"  BitBlt offset register (see #P1026)
87D0d RW  "DR01"  BitBlt pattern ROP register (see #P1027)
8BD0d RW  "DR02"  BitBlt background color register (see #P1028)
8FD0d RW  "DR03"  BitBlt foreground color register (see #P1029)
93D0d RW  "DR04"  BitBlt control register (see #P1030)
97D0d RW  "DR05"  BitBlt source register (see #P1031)
9BD0d RW  "DR06"  BitBlt destination register (see #P1032)
9FD0d RW  "DR07"  BitBlt command register (see #P1033)

Bitfields for Chips&Technologies 64310 "DR00" BitBlt offset register:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table P1026)
 31-28	reserved (0)
 27-16	destination offset
 15-12	reserved (0)
 11-0	source offset

Bitfields for Chips&Technologies 64310 "DR01" BitBlt pattern ROP register:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table P1027)
 31-21	reserved (0)
 20-0	pattern pointer (must be pattern size aligned)
Note:	Do not read this register while BitBlt is active.

Bitfields for Chips&Technologies 64310 "DR02" BitBlt background color register:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table P1028)
 31-16	reserved (contents of bits 15-0 on read)
 15-0	background color for opaque mono-color expansions
	(all bits must be used; use same data in bits 15-8 and 7-0 for 8BPP)

Bitfields for Chips&Technologies 64310 "DR03" BitBlt foreground color register:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table P1029)
 31-16	reserved (contents of bits 15-0 on read)
 15-0	foreground color for mono-color expansions/color for solid paint
	(all bits must be used; use same data in bits 15-8 and 7-0 for 8BPP)

Bitfields for Chips&Technologies 64310 "DR04" BitBlt control register:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table P1030)
 31-28	reserved (0)
 27-24	buffer status (number of dwords that can be written to the chip)
 23-21	reserved (0)
 20	BitBlt status (read-only)
	0 = idle
	1 = active (do not write BitBlt registers)
 19	0 = bitmap pattern
	1 = solid pattern (brush)
 18-16	pattern starting row
 15-14	BitBlt source (destination always video frame buffer)
	00 = video frame buffer
	01 = system memory
	1x = reserved
 13	background for monochrome pattern and font expansion
	0 = opaque (color in DR02)
	1 = transparent (unchanged)
 12	pattern depth
	0 = color
	1 = monochrome
 11	source depth
	0 = color
	1 = monochrome (font expansion only if bit 9 = 1)
 10	source data
	0 = selected by bit 14
	1 = foreground color reg (DR03)
 9	X direction (use when source and destination areas overlap)
	0 = decrement (right to left)
	1 = increment (left to right)
 8	Y direction (use when source and destination areas overlap)
	0 = decrement (bottom to top)
	1 = increment (top to bottom)
 7-0	raster operation (as defined by Windows)
SeeAlso: #P1031,#P1033

Bitfields for Chips&Technologies 64310 "DR05" BitBlt source register:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table P1031)
 31-21	reserved (0)
 20-0	source block address (must be byte aligned)
Note:	Do not read this register while BitBlt is active.
SeeAlso: #P1030,#P1032

Bitfields for Chips&Technologies 64310 "DR06" BitBlt destination register:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table P1032)
 31-21	reserved (0)
 20-0	destination block address (must be byte aligned)
Note:	Do not read this register while BitBlt is active.
SeeAlso: #P1031,#P1033

Bitfields for Chips&Technologies 64310 "DR07" BitBlt command register:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table P1033)
 31-28	reserved (0)
 27-16	lines per block
 15-12	reserved (0)
 11-0	bytes per line
SeeAlso: #P1031,#P1032