PORTIBM PC Portable (uses same BIOS as XT) A3D0-BFD3 - Chips&Techs 64310 - 32-BIT EXTENSION REGS - CURSOR CONTROL
Notes:	All ports are word or dword accessible.
	These registers are also accessible in the upper 2 MB of the 4 MB
	  linear memory frame buffer (address specified in PCI configuration
SeeAlso: PORTIBM PC Portable (uses same BIOS as XT) 03D6h"Chips",PORTIBM PC Portable (uses same BIOS as XT) 83D0h"Chips"

A3D0d RW  "DR08"  cursor control register (see #P1042)
A7D0d RW  "DR09"  cursor color register (see #P1043)
ABD0d --  "DR0A"  reserved
AFD0d RW  "DR0B"  cursor position register (see #P1044)
B3D0d RW  "DR0C"  cursor base address (see #P1045)
B7D0d --  "DR0D"  reserved
BBD0d --  "DR0E"  reserved
BFD0d --  "DR0F"  reserved

Bitfields for Chips&Technologies 64310 "DR08" cursor control register:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table P1042)
 31-8	reserved (0)
 7-6	test (must be 0)
 5	upper left corner (ULC) select
	(all x, y positioning is relative to selected ULC)
	0 = active display (BLANK#) (cursor can be positioned in overscan
	1 = display enable (cursor cannot be positioned to overscan area)
 4-2	reserved (must be 0)
 1-0	hardware cursor enable
	00 = disable
	01 = 32x32 cursor enable
	10 = 64x64 cursor enable
	11 = illegal/reserved

Bitfields for Chips&Technologies 64310 "DR09" cursor color register:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table P1043)
 31-27	cursor color 1 red
 26-21	cursor color 1 green
 20-16	cursor color 1 blue
 15-11	cursor color 0 red
 10-5	cursor color 0 green
 4-0	cursor color 0 blue
SeeAlso: #P1044,#P1045

Bitfields for Chips&Technologies 64310 "DR0B" cursor position register:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table P1044)
 31	Y sign
 30-27	reserved (0)
 26-16	cursor position Y offset from ULC (DR08 bit 5)
 15	X sign
 14-11	reserved (0) (ignored)
 10-0	cursor position X offset from ULC (DR08 bit 5)
SeeAlso: #P1043,#P1045

Bitfields for Chips&Technologies 64310 "DR0C" cursor base address:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table P1045)
 31-21	reserved (0)
 20-10	base address for cursor data in display memory
	(cursor data must be at 1K boundary in off-screen memory)
 9-0	reserved (0)
SeeAlso: #P1043,#P1044