AddExitProc | Insert an additional shutdown process. |
ByteToBin | Convert a byte to a binary ASCIIZ string. |
ByteToHex | Convert a byte to a hexadecimal ASCIIZ string. |
ByteToSInt | Convert a byte to a signed integer ASCIIZ string. |
ByteToSInt | Convert a byte to a unsigned integer ASCIIZ string. |
ClrEol | Clear the line to the end of the window. |
ClrScr | Clear the window. |
CmdLineOption | Command line parser option table entry. |
CmdLineParser | Command line parameter string parser. |
CRT_BIOS_TIMER | Enable INT 0x15 based timer. |
CRT_GetCharAttr | Fetch character and attribute from CRT (mostly internal). |
CRT_PutChar | Put character on CRT (mostly internal). |
CRT_PutCharAttr | Put character and attribute on CRT (mostly internal). |
CRT_PutString | Put string on CRT (mostly internal). |
CRT_WriteChar | Write character to CRT (mostly internal). |
CRT_WriteString | Write string to CRT (mostly internal). |
CursorAdjust | Synchronize the CRT with the visible cursor. |
CursorFull | Change the cursor shape to the size of the font. |
CursorHalf | Change cursor shape to half the font size. |
CursorHide | Make the cursor Invisible. |
CursorInvisible | Text if the cursor is not visible. |
CursorNormal | Change sursor shape to that of startup. |
CursorShow | Make cursor visible. |
CursorSmall | Change cursor shape to small. |
CursorUpdate | Synchronize visible cursor with CRT. |
CursorVisible | Test if cursor is visible. |
DEBUG | Enable debugging code generation. |
DebugFlags | Output the current flag states for debugging. |
DebugInfo | Output the current information for debugging. |
DebugMsg | Output a message for debugging. |
DebugRegisters | Output the current register states for debugging. |
DebugStack | Output the values on stack for debugging. |
DebugWrite | Output information for debugging. |
DebugWriteLn | Output information and start a new line for debugging. |
Delay | Wait for some approximate number of milliseconds. |
DelChar | Delete the current character on the line. |
DelColumn | Delete the current column in the window. |
DelLine | Remove the current line in the window. |
DOS_Alloc | Allocate a DOS memory block. |
DOS_Release | Release a DOS memory block. |
DOS_Resize | Resize a DOS memory block. |
DWordToBin | Convert a dword to a binary ASCIIZ string. |
DWordToHex | Convert a dword to a hexadecimal ASCIIZ string. |
DWordToSInt | Convert a dword to a unsigned integer ASCIIZ string. |
DWordToUInt | Convert a dword to a unsigned integer ASCIIZ string. |
EXIT_CHAIN | Termination exit process shutdown chain. |
EXIT_CODE | Termination error code. |
FilePos | Return the position within a file. |
FileSeek | Change position within a file. |
FileSize | Return the size of a file. |
FlattenPtr | Reduce the offset of a pointer. |
FULL_CPU_MIMIC | Enable assembly extension full CPU emulation. |
GetBootDrive | Get the system boot drive. |
GetCmdLine | Get command line parameter string. |
GetEnvKey | Find a string in the envionment veriable table. |
GetEnvSeg | Return the segment of the environment table. |
GetEnvTable | Return a pointer to the environmnet table. |
GetEnvVal | Look up a Key in the enviromnet table and return the value. |
GetExecName | Get the excutable's file name. |
GetExtendedBreak | Get the state of extended break checking. |
GetLimitXY | Get the maximum XY coordinates within the window. |
GetSwitchChar | Fetch the command line switch character. |
GetSysDate | Get the current date. |
GetSysTime | Get the current time. |
GetTextAttr | Return the current text color attributes. |
GetTextMode | Return the current video mode. |
GetWhereXY | Get the cursor's position. |
GetWindMax | Get the bottom-right screen cooridnates of the window. |
GetWindMin | Get the top-left screen coordinates of the window. |
GotoXY | Move the cursor to a new position. |
Idle | Reduce power consumption and perform background tasks. |
IDLE_HOOK | Idle macro background processing hook. |
InsChar | Insert a blank Space on the current line. |
InsColumn | Insert a blank Column in the window. |
InsLine | Insert a blank line in the window. |
IntToPtr | Convert a 32-bit integer value to a pointer. |
IO_ERROR | File and general I/O error results. |
KeyFlush | Clear any pending keystrokes from the buffer. |
KeyNotPressed | Test if a keystroke is not waiting. |
KeyPressed | Test if a keystroke is waiting. |
KeyPreview | Preview next keystroke without reading it. |
KeyRead | Read the next keystroke. |
KeyShiftState | Read the current keybord shift modifier states. |
KeyWait | Wait for a keypress. |
LAZY_CODE | Fullfil macro code and data requirements. |
LAZY_INIT | Initialize the library when postponed. |
MemAvail | Get the size of largest free block in the HEAP. |
MemError | Set a callback function for HEAP error handling. |
MemFree | Release memory in the HEAP. |
MemHeap | Create a managed memory heap in lower memory. |
MemNew | Allocate memory in the HEAP. |
MemSize | Get the amount of memory reserved for the HEAP. |
MemUsed | Get total amount of free space in the HEAP. |
MemUsed | Get total size of used space in the HEAP. |
MouseAvailable | Test if there is a Mouse present. |
MouseEvent | Test if a Mouse event is pending. |
MouseHide | Make the Mouse cursor invisible. |
MouseInvisible | Test if Mouse is not visible. |
MouseOverflow | Test if Mouse event buffer overflowed. |
MousePreview | Test the next Mouse event or curent state. |
MouseRead | Get the next Mouse event or current state. |
MouseShow | Make the mouse cursor visible. |
MouseUnavailable | Test if no mouse is present. |
MouseVisible | Test if mouse is visible. |
NoSound | Silence the PC Speaker. |
NO_BIOS_VIDEO | Disable BIOS video support. |
NO_CRT | Disable CRT support. |
NO_DIRECT_VIDEO | Disable Direct video support. |
NO_DOS_CHECK | Disable DOS 5+ requirement. |
NO_INITIALIZE | Postpone library initialization. |
NO_MEM_CHECK | Disable 64k memory requirement. |
NO_MICE | Disable Mouse support. |
NO_OPTIONAL_CLD | Exclude internal cld instructions. |
OWordToBin | Convert a oword to a binary ASCIIZ string. |
OWordToHex | Convert a oword to a hexadecimal ASCIIZ string. |
OWordToSInt | Convert a oword to a signed integer ASCIIZ string. |
OWordToUInt | Convert a oword to a unsigned integer ASCIIZ string. |
PtrToInt | Convert a pointer to a 32-bit integer value. |
QWordToBin | Convert a qword to a binary ASCIIZ string. |
QWordToHex | Convert a qword to a hexadecimal ASCIIZ string. |
QWordToSInt | Convert a qword to a signed integer ASCIIZ string. |
QWordToUInt | Convert a qword to a unsigned integer ASCIIZ string. |
Random | Generate a sort-of random number. |
Register Pair | What is a register pair? |
RequireTextMode | Terminate program if not in text mode. |
ResetMode | Change back to the same video mode present at startup. |
Scroll | Shift the entire CRT window some direction. |
SetExtendedBreak | Set the state of extended break checking. |
SetSwitchChar | Change the command line switch character. |
Sound | Generate sund using the PC Speaker. |
StackCheck | Additional stack overflow checking. |
STACK_SIZE | Override default stack size. |
StrByteLookup | Lookup string in a byte indexed table. |
StrByteTable | Byte indexed string table entry. |
StrFuncParser | String table callback function dispatch parser. |
StrFuncTable | String parser function dispatch table entry. |
StrKey | Look up a string in a list ASCIIZ strings. |
StrLen | Return the length of an ASCIIZ string. |
StrNext | Move pointer to the next ASCIIZ string in a list of ASCIIZ strings. |
StrToByte | Convert a string to a 8-bit byte. |
StrToDWord | Convert a string to a 32-bit dword. |
StrToOWord | Convert a string to a 128-bit oword. |
StrToQWord | Convert a string to a 64-bit qword. |
StrToTWord | Convert a string to a 80-bit tword. |
StrToWord | Convert a string to a 16-bit word. |
StrToYWord | Convert a string to a 256-bit yword. |
StrToZWord | Convert a string to a 512-bit zword. |
StrVal | Look up a Key in a list of ASCIIZ strings and return the value. |
StrWordLookup | Lookup string in a word indexed table. |
StrWordRLookup | Lookup the index of a string in a word indexed table. |
StrWordTable | Word indexed string table entry. |
Terminate | Exit program to DOS. |
TextAttr | Change both foreground and background text attribute colors. |
TextBackground | Change the background portion of text color attribute. |
TextColor | Change the foreground portion of the text color attribute. |
TextMode | Change the video mode. |
TWordToBin | Convert a tword to a binary ASCIIZ string. |
TWordToHex | Convert a tword to a hexadecimal ASCIIZ string. |
TWordToSInt | Convert a tword to a signed integer ASCIIZ string. |
TWordToUInt | Convert a tword to a unsigned integer ASCIIZ string. |
usecpu | Change the targeted CPU. |
Window | Set the bounds for CRT text display and manipulation macros. |
WindowLoad | Load window contents from memory. |
WindowSave | Save contents of current window. |
WindowSize | Get byte size required to save the window contents. |
WordToBin | Convert a word to a binary ASCIIZ string. |
WordToHex | Convert a word to a hexadecimal ASCIIZ string. |
WordToSInt | Convert a word to a signed integer ASCIIZ string. |
WordToUInt | Convert a word to a unsigned integer ASCIIZ string. |
Write | Send text or numbers to the text output device. |
WriteAssign | Change the Text Writer output device. |
WriteLn | Just like Write with an automatic CR & LF at the end. |
YWordToBin | Convert a yword to a binary ASCIIZ string. |
YWordToHex | Convert a yword to a hexadecimal ASCIIZ string. |
YWordToSInt | Convert a yword to a signed integer ASCIIZ string. |
YWordToUInt | Convert a yword to a unsigned integer ASCIIZ string. |
ZWordToBin | Convert a zword to a binary ASCIIZ string. |
ZWordToHex | Convert a zword to a hexadecimal ASCIIZ string. |
ZWordToSInt | Convert a zword to a signed integer ASCIIZ string. |
ZWordToUInt | Convert a zword to a unsigned integer ASCIIZ string. |