INT 1A - PCMCIA Socket Services v1.00 - INQUIRE ADAPTER AH = 84h AL = adapter number Return: CF clear if successful AH destroyed BH = number of windows BL = number of sockets (1-16) CX = number of EDCs DH = capabilities (see #00670) DL = status change interrupt used (only if DH bit 3 set)(see #00671) CF set on error AH = error code (01h) (see #00656) SeeAlso: AH=80h"PCMCIA",AH=85h"PCMCIA",AH=87h Bitfields for PCMCIA capabilities: Bit(s) Description (Table 00670) 7-6 reserved (0) 5 status change interrupt is hardware shareable 4 status change interrupt is software shareable 3 status change interrupt 2 data bus width is per-socket rather than per-window 1 power management is per-adapter rather than per-socket 0 indicators are per-adapter rather than per-socket (Table 00671) Values for PCMCIA status change interrupt usage: 00h-0Fh IRQ(Interrupt ReQuest) A hardware line connected to the interrupt controller chip which signals that a CPU interrupt should be generated. level 10h NMIsee Non-Maskable Interrupt 11h I/O check 12h bus error 13h vendor specific 14h-FFh reserved