INT 1A - PCMCIA Socket Services v1.00 - INQUIRE WINDOW                          
	AH = 87h
	AL = adapter number
	BH = window number
Return: CF clear if successful
	    AH destroyed
	    BL = capabilities (see #00673)
	    CX = bitmap of assignable sockets
	    DH = EISA(Enhanced Industry-Standard Architecture) A 32-bit superset of the IBMInternational Busiuness Machines ATIBM PC AT's expansion bus (which is now known as the ISA or Industry-Standard Architecture bus). A15-A12 address lines (in bits 7-4, bits 3-0 = 0)
	    DL = supported access speeds (see #00674)
	    DS:SI -> Memory Window Characteristics table (see #00675)
	    DS:DI -> I/O Window Characteristics table (see #00676)
	CF set on error
	    AH = error code (01h,11h) (see #00656)
SeeAlso: AH=84h"PCMCIA",AH=88h,AH=89h,AH=8Ch

Bitfields for PCMCIA window capabilities:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table 00673)
 7-5	reserved (0)
 4	separate enable for EISA(Enhanced Industry-Standard Architecture) A 32-bit superset of the IBMInternational Busiuness Machines ATIBM PC AT's expansion bus (which is now known as the ISA or Industry-Standard Architecture bus). comon space
 3	EISA(Enhanced Industry-Standard Architecture) A 32-bit superset of the IBMInternational Busiuness Machines ATIBM PC AT's expansion bus (which is now known as the ISA or Industry-Standard Architecture bus). I/O mappable
 2	I/O space
 1	attribute memory
 0	common memory

Bitfields for PCMCIA supported access speeds:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table 00674)
 7	reserved (0)
 6	600 ns
 5	300 ns
 4	250 ns
 3	200 ns
 2	150 ns
 1	100 ns
 0	WAIT line monitoring

Format of PCMCIA Memory Window Characteristics table:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 00675)
 00h	WORD	window capabilities (see #00677)
 02h	WORD	minimum base address in 4K pages
 04h	WORD	maximum base address in 4K pages
 06h	WORD	minimum window size in 4K pages
 08h	WORD	maximum window size in 4K pages
 0Ah	WORD	window size granularity (4K units)
 0Ch	WORD	required base address alignment (4K units)
 0Eh	WORD	required card offset alignment (4K units)

Format of PCMCIA I/O Window Characteristics table:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 00676)
 00h	WORD	window capabilities (see #00677)
 02h	WORD	minimum base address in bytes
 04h	WORD	maximum base address in bytes
 06h	WORD	minimum window size in bytes
 08h	WORD	maximum window size in bytes
 0Ah	WORD	window size granularity (bytes)

Bitfields for PCMCIA window capabilities:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table 00677)
 0	programmable base address
 1	programmable window size
 2	window disable/enable supported
 3	8-data bus
 4	16-data bus
 5	base address alignment on size boundary required
 6	power-of-two size granularity
---memory windows---
 7	card offset must be aligned on size boundary
 8	paging hardware available
 9	paging hardware shared
 10	page disable/enable supported
 11-15	reserved (0)
---I/O windows---
 7-15	reserved (0)